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It’s time for a reality check on Harper’s tough talk about Iran



From the Cold War to NATO's "Humanitarian Wars" - The Complicity of the United Nations



U.S. media says U.S. government is engaged in sabotage in Iran



Afghan Screams Aren't Heard



Israel Rides the Rollercoaster of Mass Hysteria

"Spending a week in Israel these days is like being trapped within a scene from the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

Like Jack Nicholson in the lead role of that classic film, you might not be insane but the doctors and nurses who run the psychiatric ward manufacture every few minutes a collective hysteria to keep everyone in the grip of fear and hatred. Everyone is an enemy, every a visitor an existential threat."


By Prof. Ilan Pappe




First, They Come For the Muslims

By Chris Hedges



The fraud of “humanitarian wars”

By Glenn Greenwald



Stuff White People Like

n.135 Humanitarian Intervention


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